IJNE is a strong advocate for gender equality. We firmly stand by the belief that equality must be embedded within all organizational structures, policies, and programs. By actively advocating for gender equality, we aim to create a journalism industry that reflects the diverse voices and talents of all its members.

In line with our dedication to inclusivity, we oppose all forms of discrimination. We condemn the misuse of media outlets for propagating intolerance and promoting conflicts. At IJNE, we strive to be an unwavering force against any attempts to exploit journalism for divisive purposes.

As staunch believers in the freedom of political and cultural expression, we support an open and dynamic exchange of ideas. Our association values the importance of a free and independent press, fostering an environment where diverse perspectives can be heard and appreciated.


25+ years of experience

25+ years of experience

For empowering and protecting journalists
Welcome To IJNE

For empowering and protecting journalists

At IJNE, we are a dedicated association based in Helsinki, Finland, with a clear purpose and a strong mission. Our primary objective is to organize collective actions in support of journalists' unions, working tirelessly to secure decent jobs and uphold workers' rights within the field of journalism. We firmly believe that empowered and protected journalists are essential for fostering a vibrant and informed society.


Press freedom and social justice lie at the core of our values. Through various international activities, we strive to promote and safeguard the fundamental right of press freedom, recognizing it as a vital pillar of any democratic society. Moreover, we are committed to championing social justice, using the power of journalism to advocate for fairness, inclusivity, and the well-being of all individuals.

 What we do for Journalism
Our Services

What we do for Journalism

Meet our professional team members
Meet The Team

Meet our professional team members

Make a difference through journalism! Join IJNE's collective efforts in shaping a brighter future.
We’re Professionals

Make a difference through journalism! Join IJNE's collective efforts in shaping a brighter future.

Press freedom and social justice lie at the core of our values. Through various international activities, we strive to promote and safeguard the fundamental right of press freedom, recognizing it as a vital pillar of any democratic society. Moreover, we are committed to championing social justice, using the power of journalism to advocate for fairness, inclusivity, and the well-being of all individuals.

IJNE is a strong advocate for gender equality. We firmly stand by the belief that equality must be embedded within all organizational structures, policies, and programs. By actively advocating for gender equality, we aim to create a journalism industry that reflects the diverse voices and talents of all its members.

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